Fat Dissolving Injections
If you want to look and feel your best, you eat right, you exercise and still you can’t shift those stubborn fatty deposits. They are that annoying final hurdle to achieving your body image goals.
To help improve those problem areas such as under the chin, jowls, back and much more, then the fat dissolving injection treatment we offer could be the answer for you. Often described as ‘non-surgical liposuction’, this fat dissolving injection treatment has been used for over 20 years in many countries as a fat-dissolving agent to help reduce those annoying exercise and diet resistant small fatty deposits.
It involves a series of small injections that help melt away small, localised areas of fat deposits. Where as Mesotherapy is the same procedure but using a cocktail of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and pharmaceuticals to help give skin that smooth youthful look we all crave.
The fat dissolving injection treatment or Mesotherapy are effective procedures with minimal discomfort for both men and women. They can help you to feel good about how you present yourself by removing those stubborn fat deposits.
Single area - £80-£100
Double area - £150
Triple area - £200
Quadruple areas - £250